30 July 2013

Sine Jensen Illustrates Everything My Nine-year-old Self Could Have Wanted

Sometime last year, I was walking home from class with a friend when she asked me what kind of stuff I used to think about as a kid.

Aside from imagining myself as a tiny person (à la The Borrowers, The Littles, or even Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh), I was and continue to be fascinated by animals dressed as humans. Luckily for my dog, this hasn't translated into real life just yet.

So when I saw these illustrations by Sine Jensen, yeah, I'll admit my brain released some dopamine.
He (or she? Reptile sex indicators are slightly different from human ones...I mean it's not biologically relevant for me to know that) reminds me of a more sophisticated Lyle the Crocodile. I'm going to choose to believe Lyle finally got his life together enough to afford a cardigan and bow tie. 
Yes, Polly does want a cracker. But only if it's vegan and gluten-free. 
I am highly disturbed by the fact that the color of this gorilla's hands doesn't match the tone of his face. His headphones also remind me of an episode of "Arthur" I saw recently in which a bear was listening to headphones but they didn't cover her ears...I mean, if we're already suspending disbelief...
Sine Jensen is an illustrator based in Copenhagen who works primarily with pen and pencil. You can see more of her work here.


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