01 August 2013

Trailer | The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

I go into work at the magazine twice a week - and yes, I'm aware that's a pretty laid-back schedule, but the day still manages to drag on. With my top-notch economics education, I have accurately deduced that my productivity is inversely correlated to how much feeling I have in my butt.

So there I was, having just offered half an hour to the Tumblr gods (I would tell you what I'm wishing for, but I don't want to jinx it), with about two hours of professionalism to go.

At a certain point, the numbness goes away and the pain sets in and you find yourself dreaming of running a mile or something. Of running. That's when you know you're past help. (In all honesty, I really do love my job here. I mean, this morning I wrote about a burka-wearing superhero fighting for universal education. It's a pretty sweet gig. It's the sitting for hours on end that gets me.)

Then this showed up on my dash, and I'm telling you - in the same way your grandmother tells you about the miracle pill her friend gave her that will cure all your illnesses and materialize a boyfriend for you - this video rejuvenated me. I had to do a lot of smirk-repressing, and the more smirk-repressing the better something is.

Trust me. I'm an economist. I read The Economist.

It's the trailer for Ben Stiller's new movie, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, based on the 1939 short story by James Thurber. It's like technology pulled through and Mad Men had a baby with Eat Pray Love and magical realism (I know, amazing! First three-parent reproduction, now the ability to mate with entire genres - what wonders will be next).
I'm still withholding judgment on the film, as I obviously haven't seen it, but the trailer puts a smile back on my face and reawakens some of the nerves in my butt. So there's that.

Sometimes trailers are quite good on their own. There should be trailer awards. Is anyone on this.


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