07 May 2013

Tiny Forests

A peek into the miniature sets for the Petit Cinema movie. The screening date is coming up quickly and despite the last minute rush it feels strange to be so close to the end. 
Here is the forest awaiting its dog-princess, next to the toxic glue that stinks up my room for hours. The first time I used it, I flung my windows wide open and some papers flew out into the night, never to be seen again. 
These past few days have been refreshingly slow. I've been able to write and brainstorm in between studying for finals and eating everything in sight. 

At the same time, I worry about the future and feel all of life's uncertainty on my shoulders. I feel unprepared, yet over-qualified. Burned out, yet eager. Sometimes I can open my notebook and forget all of that for a few hours. I can bury myself in creativity and tell myself to take things one moment at a time.

So this is where I am. I'm excited about the scribblings I made in my notebook today, and I hope I'll be able to keep up the momentum and keep out my fears. 


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